RYA Level 1 & 2
The RYA Level 1 & 2. The beginners course – no experience necessary. The ideal way to learn the essentials of sailing, under the close supervision of the RYA instructor(s).
The course is run over 5 day (Saturday) sessions, each day is 9:30 to 17:00.
Candidates must be over 18 on first day of the course.
By the end of the course you should be safety conscious, have a basic knowledge of sailing and be capable of sailing in moderate wind conditions and enjoy all facilities of the Club to the full.
You will be awarded the RYA Level 2 certificate on successfully completing and understanding the modules of the RYA Level 2 syllabus from the National Sailing Scheme.
The course is taught by RYA qualified instructors in groups with a maximum ratio of 6 students to each instructor. Teaching takes place on the water and in the classroom and we move between the two depending on the group, the weather conditions and the requirements of the curriculum.
This course starts in March when the Lake water is cold. A basic wet suit is recommended. Buoyancy aids are provided by the Club.
Club Single person Picos, Toppers and two person Gulls or Wanderers
Cost – £125
Adult RYA L1&2 Training wk 1
March 22 @ 9:30 amAdult RYA L1&2 Training wk 2
March 29 @ 9:30 amAdult RYA L1&2 Training wk 3
April 5 @ 9:30 amAdult RYA L1&2 Training wk 4
April 12 @ 9:30 amAdult RYA L1&2 Training wk 5
April 26 @ 9:30 am

RYA Level 3
Better Sailing/Seamanship
This course is designed for the holders of NSS level 2 or Youth Stage 3 or 4 who have done some sailing since the award of the certificate, ideally about 30 hours sailing. The aim is to improve and add to your skills, become more self-reliant and be able to make seaman-like decisions in moderate conditions.
Candidates must be aged 18 on the first day of the course.
The course is taught by RYA qualified instructors in groups with a maximum ratio of 6 students to each instructor. Teaching takes place on the water and in the classroom and we move between the two depending on the group, the weather conditions and the requirements of the curriculum.
Club Gulls and Wanderers
Cost – £125
Adult Better Sailing wk 1
March 29 @ 9:30 amAdult Better Sailing wk 2
April 5 @ 9:30 amAdult Better Sailing wk 3
April 12 @ 9:30 amAdult Better Sailing wk 4
April 26 @ 9:30 am

RYA Start Racing
The racing course. – All you need to know to enable you to take part in and enjoy Club Racing. Even if you don’t intend to race, it will enhance your overall sailing skills. You should already be able to sail at a good Level 2 standard. Club racing on Sunday’s forms part of the course.
The course is taught by RYA qualified instructors in groups with a maximum ratio of 6 students to each instructor. Teaching takes place on the water and in the classroom and we move between the two depending on the group, the weather conditions and the requirements of the curriculum.
Cost – £90 Adults & £75 juniors
Start Racing Training day 1
June 14 @ 9:30 amStart Racing Training day 2
June 15 @ 9:30 amStart Racing Training day 3
June 28 @ 9:30 amStart Racing Training day 4
June 29 @ 9:30 am

RYA Day Skipper Theory
A comprehensive introduction to cruising for inexperienced skippers.
This course equips you with enough knowledge to navigate around familiar waters by day. A basic knowledge of lights is also included to introduce you to night cruising.
The course is taught over 40 hours with two exam papers.
Course topics include:
- the basics of seamanship
- the essentials of coastal navigation and pilotage
- chartwork
- electronic charts
- position fixing
- plotting a course to steer
- weather forecasting and meteorology
- tides
- collision regulations
- construction, parts and equipment of a cruising boat
- emergency and safety procedures including distress calls, use of flares, safety harnesses, lifejackets and liferafts
Cost – £145

RYA Yachtmasters Offshore Theory
Advanced training for more experienced skippers building on the Day Skipper course. This course equips you to navigate safely on coastal and offshore passages.
This course will take your theory knowledge to the standard required for the Yachtmaster™ Coastal and Yachtmaster™ Offshore practical exams, concentrating on advanced navigation and meteorology skills.
As with the Day Skipper shorebased course, the RYA’s specially designed chart plotter software will be used during the course to give you a realistic taste of modern electronic navigation.
The course is taught over 40 hours with three exam papers.
Course topics include:
- position fixing
- course shaping and plotting
- tidal knowledge
- use of almanacs and admiralty publications
- electronic position finding equipment
- taking and interpreting forecasts
- plotting weather systems
- weather predictions using a barometer and by observation
- collision regulations
- customs and excise regulations for cruising abroad
It allows some time for revision of the basics and then moves on to advanced navigation techniques.
Cost – £145